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HarvestOlives are picked up from the trees and put directly in large well aerated boxes, which are specifically designed for olives, to avoid fermentation.

DefoliationOlives are brought to the oil-mill and unloaded from transport boxes on the same day of harvest and defoliated in two machines to ensure that they are properly cleaned.


CrushingOlives are milled with stainless steel crushers with double grid, to ensure they are crushed slowly and avoid their oxidation.

Kneading: Crushed olives (olive paste) are kneaded or mixed slowly for 45 minutes at a maximum temperature of 27°C in completely sealed stainless steel tanks to avoid oxidation. 
This process is useful for the paste during extraction, for it facilitates oil separation


ExtractionImmediately after kneading, the paste is transferred to the "decanter", where separation is operated through centrifugation with no water addition (one of the few oil-mills in the Abruzzo region) to obtain fruity products with unique organoleptic qualities.

Separation: The oil is transferred to a vertical centrifugal separator, to ensure that the product obtained contains no impurities.

Storage: The oil is stored in stainless steel tanks and kept at constant temperature before it is packed.

001 Raccolta 002 Defogliazione 003 Macinatura 004 Gramolatura
005 Estrazione 006 L'olio extravergine 007 Conservazione